Mark Sizing and Placement
To effectively identify our communications, our marks need to have visual presence. Being mindful of minimum clear space, sizing, and alignment is vital to ensuring our University mark maintains its integrity across various applications.
Clear Space
Minimum Clear Space
Use minimum clear space around a mark only when there are unavoidable space limitations. One way to ensure the visual presence of our marks is to maintain a protected area or clear space surrounding our mark where no other elements may be placed. Headlines, text, graphic elements, imagery, and the edge of a page are not permitted within the clear space. The light gray area is set by the width of the shield, as shown, and the outer line defines the minimum clear space. Measure your shield’s width at the actual size you plan to display it. Then use either the preferred or minimum clear space as explained below.
Preferred Clear Space
Use preferred clear space around a mark whenever possible. Measure ½ of your shield’s width at the actual size you plan to display it. Use this measurement on all sides of your mark to create a preferred clear space perimeter.

Minimum Clear Space
Measure ¼ of your shield’s width at the actual size you plan to display it. Use this measurement on all sides of your mark to create a minimum clear space perimeter.

These minimum space requirements apply to our vertical marks and the shield when used alone. As shown, it also applies to our entity marks.

Minimum Size
The size of the mark is equally important—a mark that is too large can appear aggressive and clumsy, but a mark that is too small can appear weak.
Key factors in determining the correct size include how the mark will be seen and what other information is included with the mark. In some cases, such as a sign, there may be a need to make the mark as large as possible. In other cases, such as stationery, print materials, or a website, the mark must clearly identify that it is from Penn State without overpowering the other messages.
The marks below are measured across the width of the shield. We use this dimension so that it can apply to our entity marks, as well. Most of our artwork is set up with a mark that is one inch wide with a clear space of .5 shield around the mark.
NOTE: The principles demonstrated here apply to our college, campus, and administrative/academic unit marks.

Using the width of the shield as the measurement, the horizontal mark should not be used smaller than .3 inches wide.
Vertical Mark Sizing

Both vertical marks should not be used smaller than .5 inches wide.
Aligning provides a sense of order and structure to the design, and careful placement of our mark is essential to identifying our communications. We want to avoid placement that seems arbitrary or indecisive. The same alignment principles can apply to typography, imagery, or graphic shapes.
It isn’t essential to use these alignment principles for all work. The key is to be aware of the importance of the placement of elements with the mark. Avoid situations where alignment is closely but not quite aligned, as this can appear to be a mistake.
NOTE: The principles demonstrated here apply to our college, campus, and administrative/academic unit marks.